harriet_86 4th May 2009

hey bro, Im missin you so so much, why did they take you away from us like just aint the same without you with u. We all get together and it just aint dont feel the same because someone is missin and thats you simon MY ONE AND ONLY BROTHER. We all got together for your birthday mom and dad did you proud we all know you were there with us in sprit if only it didnt have to be that way thou. Aliyah is always talking about you and she is always asking for a cup of tea with si si dips as she says and she just sits there waiting for them and just keeps saying your name bless her. I just wish i could talk to you one last time and tell you how much i love you. I just want my big brother back in our lifes and we could have all the fun we all used to have all them years we had some really good times when we were all kids them were the days. Well i better go now bro so untill we meet again nite nite sweet dreams god bless you simon love always your little sis harriet and ur loving neice aliyah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxR.I.Pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx