lisagibbs 29th April 2009

Hows the most gorgeous man in heaven, we arent to bad. Ive been having some bad times recently but trying to get by for the boys sake. The house is so quite without you its so hard, keep expecting you to walk in the door at any moment wanting your tea. i still put the boys pjs in the bathroom ready for you to bath the kids, its just weird cant really explain it. I miss you sitting on the rug after your bath with your legs crossed cup of tea and biscuits in front of you, watching bloody road wars or cops lol. The biscuits you brought the night before it happened still sit in the cupboard waiting for you, your cornflakes are still in the cupboard too. I miss everthing about you even the arguements, think u only did it cause you liked the making up bit haha. PLease lord look after this very special and much loved man who is eternally missed by all and everyone, especially two very small men!!!! Love you Simon Thomasxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx